لغات انگیسی مربوط به تحصیل
مهارت ها |
Skills Education helps us to acquire knowledge and learn new skills. |
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فرصت – شانس |
Opportunity We should make the best of every opportunity to learn. |
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بهداشت |
Health Nowadays, health education is promoted a lot in schools. |
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دولتی |
State A large number of parents are dissatisfied with the state education system, and put their children into private schools instead. |
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مداوم |
Continuous Because so many students find exams stressful, some colleges offer a system of continuous assessment instead. |
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فراگرفتن- بدست آوردن |
Acquire He has read a lot of books and acquired a lot of knowledge. |
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کودکستان- مهدکودک |
Kindergarten/nursery/play school When Michael was three, he started going to a kindergarten. |
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دوباره امتحان دادن |
Retake / take an exam He didn’t get a good grade the first time he did his IELTS exam, so decided to retake it. |
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بزرگسالان مشغول به تحصیل |
Mature People who attend university later in life are often called mature students. |
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تحصیلات بیشتر، بالاتر |
Further education Although she had left school and was working, she went to evening classes at the local college of further education. |
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آموزش عالی |
Higher education After he left school, he decided to go on to higher education, and applied for a place ad Edinburgh University. |
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امتیاز، پذیرش، اعانه |
Grant He received a local government grant to help him pay for his course. |
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دوره یا آموزش مکاتبه ای |
Correspondence course distance learning |
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شایستگی، صلاحیت |
Qualification The qualifications he gained impressed an advertising company he wanted to work for. |
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کلاس شبانه |
Evening class Although he is now working, he has decided to attend an evening class after work, although he was disappointed that his boss didn’t offer him day release. |
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شهریه، حق التدریس، دستمزد معلمین |
Tuition fees Many students are required to pay for their tuition fees. |
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شاگرد |
Pupil |
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دانشجو |
Student |
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دانشکده |
Faculty |
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موضوع درسی |
Subject She is taking three subjects in her examinations |
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محوطه دانشگاه |
Campus |
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ابتدایی |
Primary At the age of five, he entered primary education |
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سواد خواندن و نوشتن |
Literacy |
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حساب کردن و شمردن |
Numeracy He learned basic skills such as literacy and numeracy. |
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راهنمایی |
Secondary After he turned eleven he began to attend secondary school. |
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نظم و ترتیب |
Discipline |
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قبول شدن، گذراندن امتحان |
Pass |
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رفوزه شدن، رد شدن |
Fail Although he was lazy and lacked sufficient discipline, he was able to pass his exams. |
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دوره درسی |
Course |
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برنامه ریزی شده |
Programmed |
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ثبت نام کردن |
Enroll He was able to enroll for the course a few days before his nineteenth birthday. |
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فارغ التحصیل شدن |
Graduate He worked hard and three years later was able to graduate with a graduate in Art and Design. |
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راهنما |
Tutorial |
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معلم خصوصی، مربی |
Tutor |
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آموزش بزرگسالان |
Adult education |
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مدرسه تازه واردها ، دوره اول دبیرستان |
Junior school |
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آموزش خصوصی |
Private education |
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مدرسه کودکان؛ کودکستان |
Infant school |
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مدرسه عالی، جامع
منبع: قلم چی |