لغات مربوط به بازرگانی، صنعت و کشاورزی
عرضه کردن (داشتن) |
To supply (ied, supplying) |
2 |
عرضه ی |
Supply of |
3 |
تقاضا کردن |
To demand |
4 |
تقاضای |
Demand of |
5 |
عرضه و تقاضا |
Supply and demand We have a limited supply of computer base units. |
6 |
ناخالص |
Gross Our gross profit is up by almost 150% on last year. |
7 |
خالص |
Net |
8 |
عمده فروشی |
Wholesale The wholesale market has experienced a downturn since the recession began. |
9 |
خرده فروشی |
Retail |
10 |
کاهش، رکود اقتصادی |
Downturn |
11 |
پس روی، بحران اقتصادی |
Recession |
12 |
بخش خصوصی |
Private sector |
13 |
بخش دولتی |
Public sector The government is encouraging short-term investors to put their money into the public sector |
14 |
مشوق، دلگرم کننده |
Encouraging |
15 |
سرمایه گذار |
Investor |
16 |
شرکتهای بزرگ خصوصی |
Private enterprises Private enterprises are under a lot of financial pressure |
17 |
صنایع ملی شده |
State owned industries Nationalized industries |
18 |
کارگران ماهر |
Skilled workers Skilled workers are demanding a 15% pay rise. |
19 |
کارگران غیرماهر |
Unskilled labors |
20 |
دست از کار کشیدن، به خدمت خاتمه دادن |
Lay off If this continues, we will have to lay off members of staff. |
21 |
استخدام کردن |
Employ Take on |
22 |
وارد کردن |
To import (-ed, ing) |
23 |
صادر کردن |
To export (-ed, ing) |
24 |
صادرات |
Exports |
25 |
واردات |
Imports He works for a company which imports camera equipment |
26 |
به سرعت در قیمت ترقی کردن رونقی بازار، جهش اقتصادی |
Boom (-ed, ing) A lot of people have benefited from the recent boom in the electrical industry. |
27 |
مدیریت |
Management |
28 |
امتناع کردن |
Refuse |
29 |
قولنامه، مصالحه، سازش |
Compromise |
30 |
عهد، قول، پیمان بستن |
Promise |
31 |
عایدی، منافع، درآمد سودسهام |
Revenue Income Overall revenue is down by almost 15% |
32 |
هزینه، مخارج |
Expenditure |
33 |
رویهم رفته، کلی، جمع |
Overall |
34 |
تولید ناخالص ملی |
GNP = Gross National Product Last year’s GNP was close to $25 billion |
35 |
تولید ناخالص داخلی |
GDP = Gross Domestic Product |
36 |
مالیات |
Tax |
37 |
مالیات بندی، وضع مالیات |
Taxation Money raised by taxation pays for all government services. |
38 |
نرخهای بهره |
Interest rates The bank has raised interest rates. |
39 |
بالابردن، زیاد کردن حقوق بلند کردن، طلوع، افزایش، ارتفاع |
Raise Rise |
40 |
بیکار |
Unemployment The figures for unemployment are rising |
41 |
تورم |
Inflation The government is trying to keep inflation down below 3%. |
42 |
صنایع کلیدی |
Key industries Oil is a key industries which essential to the country’s economy. |
43 |
صنایع اولیه |
Primary industries |
44 |
معدن ذغال سنگ |
Coal mining Coal mining is an important primary industries |
45 |
صنایع ثانوی |
Secondary industries Secondary industries rely on the ready supply for raw materials. |
46 |
متکی بودن به |
Rely on |
47 |
صنایع خدماتی |
Services industries Services industries have become more important in the last decade. |
48 |
انحصار، کالای انحصاری |
Monopoly The state has a monopoly of the tobacco trade. |
49 |
داد و ستد، سوداگری |
Trade |
50 |
بازده، درآمد |
Output The factory has doubled its output in the last six months |
51 |
کمبود، کسردرآمد |
Deficit The company announced two million pound deficit |
52 |
صنایع ملی شده |
Nationalized industries Workers in nationalized industries are to get a 3% pay rise. |
53 |
موازنه پرداخت ها |
Balance of payments The government is trying to reduce the balance of payments deficit |
54 |
مالیات بردرآمد |
Income tax She pays income tax at the lowest rate |
55 |
خودکفا |
Self-sufficient A country wishes to be self-sufficient in food will encourage its farmers to produce as much as possible so that it will not be dependent on food imports |
56 |
وابسته بودن به ... |
To be dependent on … |
57 |
تولید کردن |
To produce (-d, producing) |
58 |
سد |
Dam |
59 |
آبیاری |
Irrigation |
60 |
آبیاری کردن |
To irrigate (-d, irrigating) Dams must be built on the rivers to provide water to irrigate the land. |
61 |
حاصل خیز کردن، تقویت کردن |
To make fertile To fertilizing |
62 |
کودهای شیمیایی |
Chemical fertilizers Chemical fertilizers must be used to make it fertile. |
63 |
محصولات (مثل گندم، جو ...) |
Crops |
64 |
برداشت محصول |
Harvest |
65 |
از خارج وارد کردن |
To import from abroad |
66 |
علوفه |
Grass |
67 |
گله گاو |
Cattle Then, the crops will grow, the harvest will be good and the livestock will have grass to eat |
68 |
درخت |
Tree |
69 |
بیشه |
Wood |
70 |
جنگل |
Forest |
71 |
رویش، سبزیکاری |
Vegetation |
72 |
توسعه نیافته |
Under developed |
73 |
خالی از سکنه |
Depopulation |
74 |
منبع: قلم چی |